Friday, May 6, 2016

A Checkerboard of Nights and Days

Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo, the day Mexicans who don't live in Mexico celebrate the place they fled. That's entirely logical, yes? It must be like St. Patrick's Day, which isn't much celebrated in Ireland.

Day before yesterday was the celebration of all things Star Wars - May 4. If you don't get it, think "May the Fourth be with you." It sounds like "May the Force be with you," spoken with a lisp. Sort of dumb, isn't it?

A couple of weeks ago was April 20 or 4/20 or 420 - Marijuana Day. Google it if you care to know why 420, the history is as boring as most stoners.

Some are saying May 3 was a largely unheralded apocalypse, making reference to the Indiana primary that settled the GOP presidential primary season. My opinion: the world isn't ending just yet.

The next "day" to which I shall attend will be June 21, the summer solstice. That day spring ends and summer begins.