Sunday, May 1, 2016

Beyond the Horserace

Bill Kristol's Weekly Standard reprints an edited version of a memo written by Rich Danker, boss of the Lone Star Committee, a Texas super PAC supporting Ted Cruz. In it he freely admits Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee and tries to answer the question "Why?"

Danker seeks to determine what Trump did right and Cruz supporters (including himself) did wrong. His conclusion: Cruz was playing chess, Trump was playing some other, more relevant game.

Danker contrasts the data-driven, consultant-managed style popularized by Obama and used to some effect by Cruz, with the broad-brush, press-available style common to Reagan and Trump. We know which was more effective and, not incidentally, cost less - the Trump model.

This analysis is darned interesting for those of us who like the "inside baseball" side of politics. Hat tip to for the link.