Saturday, May 21, 2016

Teflon Don

Maureen Dowd has a snarky New York Times column mostly consumed with wonder at Hillary's weakness as a candidate, unable to put away a charm-less Vermont socialist whose political mentor appears to have been Nineteen Eighty-Four's Emmanuel Goldstein as played by John Boswall. The following assessment isn't half bad:
Hillary’s Bataan Death March is making Republicans reconsider their own suicide mission with Trump. More are looking at Clinton’s inability to get the flashing lights going like her husband, and thinking: Huh, maybe we’re not dead here. Maybe Teflon Don could pull this off.

The 2016 race is transcendentally bizarre. We have two near-nominees with the highest unfavorables at this point in the race of any in modern history. We seem to have a majority of voters in both parties who are driven by the desire to vote against the other candidate, rather than for their own.
Dowd nailed it, voting against Hillary is my 2016 raison d'ĂȘtre.