Monday, October 31, 2016

White Workers Have Listened

Scanning a list of articles linked at RealClearPolitics this morning, I came across this title:
How to Get White Workers to Vote for Clinton
I can't honestly say I rushed to read this piece but its title started me thinking about the Democrats' problem with white working class voters. Most of whom will probably vote for Trump this year.

Democrats have spent the last 2-3 decades telling workers of color that only Democrats have their interests at heart, that Republicans exist to maintain white dominance in our society. What if white workers have been listening? Listening to Democrats and, noting Democrats actions mirror their words, believing them?

Playing identity group politics has a downside. You don't get to tell groups A and B that your opponent only favors group C in a vacuum. Group C hears what you tell Groups A and B and, mirable dictu, perhaps they believe it.

Now you try to get group C to vote for you too, but they've gotten your message, your oppponent is the group C advocate. Oops, you have a problem; it's the downside of your upside.

Democrats once had the interests of all blue collar workers at heart, regardless of color. That message long since gave way to the racially color-coded identity group message they sell today.

Tropes like sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind come to mind. Down this road lies tribal politics, the downfall of many third world countries.