Thursday, November 10, 2016

A President from Marvel Comics

I just had an insight, or maybe a brain-fart, and have hastened to post it before I think better of it. I begin with the fact that various movies based on Marvel Comics© heroes have done well at the box office recently. They reflect the contemporary zeitgeist in some inchoate way.

Here is my maybe-insight: What if Donald J. Trump is the Marvel Comics version of a presidential candidate? Larger than life, drawn garishly in bright colors, crude, but oddly appealing in the way comic book heroes often are, admired almost as much for their flaws as for their virtues.

Whadda ya think? Do I have a piece of the truth here? Can't a comic book hero defeat the distilled essence of ex-wife nearly every time?
You bet.

How did the pundits miss this? For that matter, why did it take me this long to see it?