Wednesday, November 9, 2016

I've Made a Little List

As a result of the Donald Trump victory last night, here are names of some people - #NeverTrumpers - from whom I wish to hear little in future. I've made a little list, they'll none of them be missed....
  • Anybody named Bush, including two former Presidents and a Governor who wouldn't support the party's candidate.
  • Bill Kristol, about whom I'm sad since his Dad's essays in the Wall Street Journal sold me on conservatism.
  • George Will and Charles Krauthammer, senior pundits who couldn't stomach The Donald's downmarket ways.
  • Governor John Kasich, who wouldn't attend the Republican convention in his own state.
  • Ross Douthat, who has written some good columns in times past.
  • David Brooks and Michael Gerson, who have done likewise.
  • Dana Milbank, who became a shill for Clinton, as did John Harwood.
When your party nominates someone, by a clear margin, you support them or change parties. These non-persons don't get it.