Tuesday, November 1, 2016

State of Play - One Week Out

Things are looking up for Trump supporters: polls improving, negatives dropping, swing states starting to shift, the candidate staying on message and off Twitter.

Conversely, things are looking dour for Clinton: Comey redux, Wikileaks, Weinerleaks, Huma rumors and the general miasma which hangs over the Clintons like Pig-pen's cloud of dust.

I begin to permit myself to hope that just maybe, possibly The Donald can pull off a win. The odds, still not in his favor but certainly improving, could be in his favor a week from today.

As I am fond of saying of Super Bowl games - typically the only pro game I watch each year - a close game is a good game, blowouts are uninteresting. This election looks to be a close game after all.

Dear readers, it's fingers-crossing time.