Thursday, June 14, 2018

Trump As Rorschach Test

Daily the folks at RealClearPolitics come up with a list of linked mostly political articles from various outlets, stuff one might want to read. The list is balanced, articles written from both ends of the political spectrum appear in roughly equal numbers.

Most days I check RCP at least twice, once for the "morning line" and again for the afternoon collection. Today while scanning the titles I was struck by a thought, based on a memory from my youth.

Psychologists then used fanciful ink blots, called collectively the Rorschach Test, as stimuli to get clients to free-associate about what the blots might resemble. Blots really didn't look like anything much but the client, clutching at straws for an answer, would dredge up whatever was simmering just below the surface of his/her conscious mind, thus giving the clinician a glimpse into the fetid pool of the client's subconscious. Wikipedia indicates the test is still in use.

What occurred to me this morning was the presidency of Donald Trump is a Rorschach Test. Those of us who comment on his actions reveal more about our own biases than we do about his accomplishments.

Often anti-Trump articles reveal the author to be a vengeful hater, an unattractive self-portrait. Pro-Trump authors reveal a lack of sensitivity to style, in the face of his demonstrated accomplishments.