Saturday, June 30, 2018

Rodham and Gomorrah

Writing at Power Line, snarkmeister Steven Hayward describes Hillary Clinton:
The Dowager Empress of Chappaqua, AKA Hillary Rodham Clinton, AKA the person who did her best to transform Washington DC into Rodham and Gomorrah, is over in Britain at the moment, and yesterday compared herself to . . . Churchill.
From what Hillary said there, Hayward concludes she would like to run again in 2020. I’m okay with her being the next Adlai Stevenson, who famously was beaten like a drum by Dwight Eisenhower, both times.

It’s no accident parties rarely renominate someone. The second time around they have what Luna Lovegood called “loser’s lurgy.”

N. B., Making up unflattering nicknames for Hillary is a thing; Richard Fernandez who blogs at the Belmont Club on PJ Media, is among those who call her “Felonia von Pantsuit” or sometimes “Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit.”