Friday, June 29, 2018

Color Snobbery

Mexico will soon hold a presidential election, something that happens there every six years. Three major parties have fielded candidates and this Reuters article has a photo of each.

The article speaks of campaign funding, I wish to consider something more fundamental. In a nation whose population is largely mestizo, more native American than European, these gentlemen certainly appear to be of European extraction.

If any of the three had a brown face, the photo editors certainly Photoshopped™ it out. More likely, they didn’t have to do a thing. It is common in much of Latin America for European-appearing persons to hold leadership and other visible positions, while most of the population looks otherwise.

When traveling in Latin America I am always amused by billboards showing blond models touting this or that product or service. A quick look around finds nobody on the street who looks like those billboards. There is, candidly, a great deal of skin-color snobbery south of the border. Like India, the paler the better.

Exceptions like Bolivia’s Evo Morales - a true native American - are as rare as Barack Obama was here. The difference being those who resemble Morales are a clear majority in Latin America while those who resemble Obama are a relatively small minority here. Just sayin’....