Saturday, June 16, 2007

Travel Blogging from Yaroslavl

We've spent the last 5 days cruising from St. Petersburg toward Moscow, having come as far as Yaroslavl. We've cruised across the two biggest lakes in Europe, Ladoga and Onega, and are now cruising the storied Volga River, known as "the Mother Volga." The countryside has been beautiful, green and forested. There hasn't been a lot of development along the banks until today. River cruising is the best! The water is calm, and there is always something besides water to look at. A couple of days ago, practically in the middle of European Russia, we saw a submarine tied up to a dock in water so shallow it could never submerge. Go figure....

Today we heard an acapella choir singing in an Orthodox Church. If you've never heard their acapella choirs, you've missed a treat. This one made you want to cry. More later....