Saturday, July 21, 2007

Congress Implodes

Don Surber, a columnist for the Charleston Daily Mail, writes of the abysmal approval ratings of the Democrat-controlled Congress. The Reuters-Zogby Poll finds that just 14% of respondents approve of the job Congress is doing. That is down from 23% in 2006, just before the Republicans lost control of both houses. Even among Democrats, only 19% approve of the job Congress is doing. Surber's best line is the following:

After six months, Democrats do have one bipartisan accomplishment: Everyone hates Congress.

Everybody complains about the President's low ratings. However, more than twice as many people approve of the job George Bush is doing; his ratings are in the 34% region. I am reminded of Mark Twain's observation about political life in the United States:

It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress.