Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Fred is Ahead

Rasmussen reports polling results showing Fred Thompson is ahead of Rudy Giuliani in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Mitt Romney is third, just ahead of John McCain who is fourth. Go here to see the numbers and the details.

Ol' Fred is doing pretty well for an unannounced candidate. He is able to write op-ed pieces and appear on radio and TV without triggering an equal-time situation. As a result of his positive experience with holding off on announcing candidacy, I expect many more would-be candidates will try the "Thompson ploy" four years from now.

Frankly, I'd prefer a system in which nobody announced candidacy until six weeks before the first primaries. The current system, which amounts to a perpetual campaign, is the pits. By the time November, 2008, finally rolls around, we will be thoroughly sick of the whole process. Whoever wins, the election will bring a few weeks or months of blessed relief.