Thursday, July 12, 2007

Taking the Long View

World War Four is underway. Go here to read historian Andrew Roberts' sobering Christian Science Monitor article about the nature of Islamofascism and the required response by the English-speaking peoples. For example, he says

Countries in which English is the primary language are culturally, politically, and militarily different from the rest of "the West." They have never fallen prey to fascism or communism, nor were they (except for the Channel Islands) invaded.

They stand for modernity, religious and sexual toleration, capitalism, diversity, women's rights, representative institutions – in a word, the future. This world cannot coexist with strict, public implementation of Islamic sharia law, let alone an all-powerful caliphate.

And he adds

We know that Al Qaeda cannot be appeased, because if they could, the French would have appeased them by now.

I love that line about the French. Finally, he concludes

We are told that a future US administration led by President Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama would be keen to reorient foreign policy toward France and Germany, which might indeed be in America's short-term, passing, commercial interests.

The US should never forget, however, that in those moments when she is looking for true friends, it is the English-speaking peoples who stand shoulder to shoulder with her, not her fair-weather friends.

This article is a must-read, but you may need to take an antidepressant after reading it.