Monday, October 22, 2018

Travel Blogging III

Hong Kong: The miracles of modern technology ... sitting here in port on the Kowloon side, we just watched President Trump doing his “rally” thing in Texas for Senator Cruz, and plugging essentially every Republican who showed up, by name and with gusto. Yep, Fox News coming in off the satellite loud and clear.

The Trump rally may end up being as famous as the Roosevelt radio “fireside chat” was 80 years ago. Watching it reminds me of nothing so much as a high school pep rally.

Media and Democrats, but I repeat myself, criticize what he says there as “lies.” It is likely some of his statements do stretch the truth a tad.

They’re pep rally exaggerations of the sort partisans have always engaged in. What’s more, everyone recognizes them as such.

The pep rally is a milieu in which overstatement has always been not merely acceptable but expected. That makes it a natural medium for Trump.

Meanwhile HK is having a muggy, overcast day and not putting its best foot forward. We’ve been here many times, done all the tours, and will probably limit our sightseeing to what we can see from our upper decks.