Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Mueller's Silence = Endorsement of Barr

Lots of Democrats complain about William Barr's four page summary of the Robert Mueller investigation's findings, the report of which is said to exceed 300 pages. They'd like to see the entire report as would we all.

However it is disingenuous to argue that Barr left out key details of Mueller's findings. I believe Robert Mueller would have gone public if, in his opinion, Barr had mischaracterized the findings of Mueller's investigation.

Mueller has done no such thing, and is said to be working with Barr to create a redacted version safe to release. To me, that says he believes it was characterized fairly. The absolute absence of indictments of Americans for collusion with Russia pretty much tells the tale.

BTW, I get that Democrats find it hard to believe Americans elected Trump fair and square. I found it hard to believe they'd reelect Obama after he demonstrated four years of fecklessness.

Get over it, Democrats, I've accepted sometimes the public does the inexplicable, as they're entitled to do. You need to learn to live with it too.