Saturday, April 6, 2019

Voters Side With Trump

An interesting poll out this week from Rasmussen Reports, looking at public attitudes toward illegal immigration. Four questions were asked:
1 How serious a problem is illegal immigration in America today?
2 Do most Democrats in Congress want to slow or stop illegal immigration?
3 Do most Republicans in Congress want to slow or stop illegal immigration?
4 Should the United States halt foreign aid to Mexico and governments in Central America that refuse to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into this country?
The key findings:
67% of all Likely U.S. Voters think illegal immigration is a serious problem in America today, with 47% who say it’s a Very Serious one. Thirty-two percent (32%) say it’s not a serious problem, but that includes only eight percent (8%) who rate it as Not At All Serious.
Their summary conclusions:
Voters continue to view illegal immigration as a serious problem but don’t think Democrats want to stop it. Cutting foreign aid is one tool voters are willing to consider.