Sunday, April 7, 2019

Political Musings

The Democratic Party has emphasized identity group voting in recent years, championing everyone except straight white males and their spouses. Now they're wondering how to win the votes of this 'startlingly large' group.

See a post citing real Associate Press Tweets and stories, as well as scathing retorts from members of that ignored constituency. Hat tip to Ed Driscoll, guest blogging at Instapundit, for the link.

When you famously call straight whites "deplorables" and "bitter clingers," winning their votes is going to be a steep uphill climb. This is especially true when the other party has improved both employment opportunities and wages for that newly self-aware identity group.

As we've repeatedly noted, the Democrats have sown the wind, and are almost certain to reap the whirlwind. It's what happens when you can't count noses, (e.g., voters). You end up banking on whoever is left, many of whom rarely bother to vote.