Mostly CA Governor Gavin Newsom does dumb, woke things. And I berate him for it. When he does something right, maybe I ought to take note, yes?
In that spirit, Breitbart quotes the following from the San Francisco Chronicle (behind their paywall):
Gov. Gavin Newsom is ordering the state to speed up its rulemaking for wildfire safety around homes in fire-prone areas that would ban most plants and combustible materials like mulch and wood fencing.
The rules would require people to clear an area within 5 feet of homes — dubbed zone zero, or an ember resistant zone — of any flammable materials, with the exception of mature trees. The rules would apply only in areas where the risk of fire is rated “very high,” in accordance with the state’s fire-risk designations.
The DrsC had a hilltop home in rural CA which survived the fire which burned the town of Paradise. That fire came within 10 feet of our house but it nevertheless survived with only smoke damage. We followed rules more stringent than those Newsom is proposing, and they worked.
If homeowners in the LA area had done so, more of their homes would have survived. Perhaps Newsom is only echoing smart advice he's been given, but credit where it's due - he is correct. The state should mandate it and cite homeowners who refuse.