Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Political Humor Alert

First there was the Algore effect. When Al Gore visits a place to talk about global warming there is a cold snap or blizzard while he's there.

Rush Limbaugh finds humor in politics, particularly Democratic politics. He has announced the discovery of a similar new effect: the Obama effect.

The Obama effect occurs when the President stops by an industrial plant to make a speech or have a photo op, touting the company as an example of green jobs or growth. Within months the plant lays off many workers or goes completely out of business.

On his website, Rush lists several examples of the Obama effect in action with his sources in the MSM. Of course the MSM rarely connect the dots to show how this President has a doodoo touch.

A CEO might want to be wary of inviting POTUS to his plant, or find "inconvenient" a presidential offer to visit.