Monday, July 25, 2011

Review: The Final Potter Film

The other DrC and I saw "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2" on Saturday. I've been too busy to write a review until now.

Watching the final Harry Potter film is a bittersweet experience for Potter fans. Bitter because the series stops here, and sweet because the film creates closure and is quite well done.

Driving home from seeing the film, the first thing the DrsC concluded is that splitting the last book into two films was a wise choice. Another thing upon which we agreed is that nothing of true significance to Potter readers was omitted from this film.

The Battle of Hogwarts is the major action sequence of this film, and is well done. We didn't see the film in 3D, being in a non-urban area. At this point we cannot comment on whether 3D worked, perhaps later.

Does the film stand on its own, would it make sense to a non-reader or someone who had not viewed Part 1? Perhaps not. Would Parts 1 and 2 taken together stand alone? To some extent.

I'm not sure any of the films truly meet the stand alone test. It would be interesting for a pollster to assemble focus groups of non-reader Potter film viewers to test this question.