Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Result of Assortative Mating

Psychologists in Great Britain have looked at the heritability of educational achievement - which is very high - and find that in addition to inherited intelligence (the largest contributor), there are several other inherited factors which influence scores on the school-leaver's exam, the GCSE. See the abstract at Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

As fewer bosses marry secretaries and more marry peer executives, as fewer doctors marry nurses and more marry other doctors, we will see an intensifying of the actual inequality of intellectual ability among the social classes. The result will be declining interclass mobility and something closer to the alphas, betas, deltas, etc. of A. Huxley's Brave New World crossed with G. Orwell's inner party, outer party, and proles.

This outcome will be the entirely unintended consequence of feminism - something I find ironic. Imagine a CSI two hundred years from now doing DNA analysis to determine a battered corpse's place in the social strata.