Monday, October 27, 2014

DWS: Republicans Scarier

Being interviewed by Candy Crowley on CNN's State of the Union, Democratic National Committee chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz says something revealing. RealClearPolitics has the video and text. Crowley speaks first:
So, it seems that the Democrats' overall message is yes, ISIS is scary. Yes, Ebola is scary but Republicans are a lot scarier.
Wasserman Schultz replies:
Well, that's right.
Only from her unique point of view is that probably true. Her personal chances of being attacked by ISIS or catching Ebola are relatively small.

However, if the GOP wins the 2014 election it will have happened on her watch as DNC chair. As a result, she will quite likely lose that high visibility spokesperson job.

That leaves DWS an unattractive minority party backbencher with a funny name and a black mark on her resume'. Few things are sadder in politics than the "Didn't you used to be somebody?" trope.