Thursday, October 16, 2014

Random Thoughts

It is reported that a second nurse who treated the man who died from Ebola in Dallas has tested positive for the disease. She had flown to Ohio to plan her wedding and before flying back to Dallas called the CDC several times, reporting she had a slight fever, and was told by someone there it was okay to fly commercial.

That CDC responder should have their telephone privileges cancelled, as they displayed abominable judgment. The CDC isn't exhibiting minimal competence in this entire affair.

The Frontier plane she flew on made five more flights before being taken out of service for decontamination. Several hundred passengers and crew were potentially exposed.

Everyone who dealt with Patient Zero should have been quarantined for 21 days following his death: hospital staff, doctors, family, people on the same plane from Africa, Dallas neighbors, etc. Ditto for Nurse One and Nurse Two. Come on, people, let's make this happen! Get serious.


Have you noticed how news stories of violent crime seldom mention the race of the perp? I know the media are hoping not to appear racist but apparently they haven't figured out that when race isn't specified, most readers assume the perp was black, even when he or she is not. 


The stock market has dropped precipitously over the past week. Conventional wisdom says it predicts the economy six months in advance. Other conventional wisdom says the market hates uncertainty and Ebola sure-as-heck is that, in spades. 

I think some of Wall Street's Masters of the Universe may see the correction as an election prediction, too. Paraphrasing TV's Mr. Rogers, "Can you say double-dip recession?"


The Army has completed its investigation of the Bowe Bergdahl situation - whether or not he deserted his post before being picked up by the Taliban. They will not, however, release their findings  prior to the election. 

I imagine those findings make Bergdahl look bad, like someone for whom it was not worth swapping five hardcore terrorists. Potentially, like someone who should have been left to the Taliban's tender mercies. Like someone who now should be prosecuted and imprisoned? His squad-mates think so.