Monday, October 13, 2014

The Democrat's Men Problem

You see articles like this one from Ramesh Ponnuru in National Review talking about the GOP's problem with women tending to favor Dems. Fair enough, single women in particular tend to find the mommy state politics of the Dems preferable.

It is certainly true that the GOP has an edge with men voters. Why don't we see the same number of articles bemoaning the Dems problem with men preferring Republicans? Answer: because the MSM wants there to be Republican problems, which are seen as opportunities for Dems.

The MSM doesn't want there to be Democrat problems, which are opportunities for Republicans. So we read about the GOP's "women problem" but not about the Dems' "men problem."

If gender theorists are correct that all differences between men and women are learned as opposed to innate, then do women learn to prefer Democrats? Do men learn to prefer Republicans? Does this make sense to you?

Guys, do you remember your Dad telling you "Real men don't vote for Dems?" I sure don't, my Dad was a Roosevelt Democrat who didn't live long enough to become a Reagan Republican.