Sunday, November 15, 2015

B..S. from the '60s

Politico reports Hillary Clinton's words from last night's debate:
I come from the '60s— a long time ago. There was a lot of activism on campus —- civil-rights activism, antiwar activism, women's rights activism. And I do appreciate the way young people are standing up and speaking out.
I too come from the 1960s. Like Clinton, I also remember its campus activism. It was destructive bullcrap then and, in its modern reincarnation, it is bullcrap today.

The young people "standing up and speaking out" are cultural vandals, expressing the same "I won't let you ignore me" impulse as the least talented graffiti taggers. Like '60s radicals, today's noisy children will spend the rest of their miserable lives mistakenly thinking "I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody."

Who remembers Mario Savio or Jerry Rubin? Basically only old farts like me who despised them. We still deal with the cultural vandalism they began.

On the upside, they basically gutted the Democratic Party for a generation. Think of McGovern and McCarthy, not to mention the people who lost to Reagan (twice) and Bush 1.