Tuesday, November 10, 2015

She Served on the Search Committee

We wrote earlier about craziness happening on campuses, including Yale. The Daily Caller has an article which does what journalists are supposed to do, checks out the perps at Yale who were causing all the fuss.

In particular, it looks into the young woman who screamed "Who the fuck hired you?" at the master of Silliman College, a campus residence hall. It turns out Jerelyn Luther is from a comfortable home in Connecticut and had worked as a master's aide, what my former university called a Resident Assistant, in the College. Also,
One of the most fascinating revelations regarding Luther’s identity, though, is the fact that she played a role in Christakis becoming master of Silliman College in the first place. In her tirade, Luther screams “Who the fuck hired you?” at Christakis. But further research reveals that Luther actually served on the search committee that chose Christakis as the master of Silliman College. So, when Luther screams “who the fuck hired you,” the answer is, in some part, herself.
Today's college students do not countenance free speech. If any individual might not like what he, she or it hears spoken, they want that speech banned. What pathetic wusses!