Saturday, November 7, 2015

Hookups Need Abortion

I read a headline somewhere earlier today that inferred abortion was a new religious belief on any American campus, second perhaps only to race. This ferocious commitment to abortion didn't just appear magically from the forehead of Zeus.

I believe it to be a logical outgrowth of the wide-spread acceptance of guilt-free hookup recreational sex, often with no commitment between the partners. An accidental pregnancy arising out of such behavior cannot be other than a disaster, so preserving a way to terminate said pregnancy must be protected at all costs.

To accept casual sex as normal is to mandate abortion; attacking abortion while ignoring its underlying cause is worse than pointless. It's like trying to teach a pig to sing, you won't succeed but you'll seriously irritate the pig.

If you would reduce abortions, you must first get people to reject commitment-free hookup sex, a genie that is already out of the bottle. Good luck with that project.