Monday, November 16, 2015

Republican Attitudes Toward Islam

Public Policy Polling is a Democratic polling outfit. They recently polled Republicans in Iowa, mostly about the GOP horserace for the nomination, but more interestingly about attitudes toward Islam among Iowa Republicans. They found:
Trump's recent comments about President Obama waging a war on Christianity don't hurt him much with the GOP base. 69% agree with the sentiment that the President has waged a war on Christianity, with only 17% disagreeing. Trump's probably not hurting himself too much with his negativity toward Muslims either- only 49% of Republicans think the religion of Islam should even be legal in the United States with 30% saying it shouldn't be and 21% not sure. Among Trump voters there is almost even division with 38% thinking Islam should be allowed and 36% that it should not.
To a Democratic pollster, Trump is the bogeyman. Hence the repeated references to The Donald above. Nevertheless, sensible Iowa Republicans know when Communism was the ideology in opposition to our civilization, we basically outlawed it, if not technically, certainly in practice. Earlier we treated fascism the same way.

Now Islam is the ideology in opposition to our civilization. Calling itself a "religion" should not give it protection a merely political movement wouldn't have. After all, Communism was a religion disguised as a political system, it had "holy" books and prophets, schisms too, and true believers in the millions.

We could begin by carefully monitoring religious pronouncements on behalf of Islam in the West. Those which go beyond prescribing moral behavior for followers to exhorting them to coerce others should be deemed sedition and punished accordingly. Such monitoring should be especially careful in our prisons where Muslim proselytizing is common.

Advocacy of criminal behavior should be viewed as conspiracy to commit crime, or some such, and prosecuted. It is akin to yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater, similarly unprotected by the First Amendment.

It is certainly true that around the world, Islam doesn't "play nicely" with other faiths and non-believers. It is a violent presence in the Philippines, Thailand, India, Myanmar, China, France, Spain, the U.S., the U.K., Nigeria, the Sahel, the Balkans, Australia, Denmark, etc. Basic refusal to be merely one of the faiths represented in a place, to coexist peacefully is a hallmark of many branches of Islam, these branches need lopping.