Thursday, December 3, 2015

A San Bernardino Post Script

I just heard a talking head expert on CNN (I didn't get his name) say the shootings in San Bernardino resist easy categorization as either terrorism or workplace violence. In fact, he opined, they may well partake of both motivations.

The level of preparation, weaponry, bombs, armor, black tactical clothing suggest long premeditated terrorism. The attack on colleagues suggests workplace violence.

CNN's expert argued, as have I, why not both, a twofer? Call it an ideological motivation to terror aimed at resented or disliked coworkers. Attacking what was clearly a de facto Christmas party, even if not named that, was powerful expression of religious antagonism.

At some point people will start asking if we can safely coexist with Muslims in our midst. Following San Bernardino, we are one step closer to the day that debate becomes public, and CAIR knows it.