Saturday, December 5, 2015

More on Women in Combat

If combat jobs will be open to women, why aren't women allowed to play baseball, football, soccer, basketball, etc. with fellows? In fact, why have separate teams for men and women? Hasn't the Supreme Court ruled "separate" is automatically "unequal" and therefore unjust in Brown v. Board of Education?

All the laws in the world won't make women and men of equal size, evolution has made men larger, on average. Perhaps boxing has an answer for the mixed gender athletic competition conundrum: weight classes.

Boxing doesn't make little guys fight big guys, people fight others of similar weight. Women and men of equal size and weight could compete with each other athletically. Just saying'....


While Col. Colt did make us all somewhat equal when we aren't born that way, war isn't based on weight classes. This policy feels like the camel's nose under the tent, the first step down a slippery slope that ends up with your princess daughter being drafted and made a grunt, a foot-slogger.

Some things are not yet clear about the "women in combat" meme. Do women get to choose whether they will be in one of the combat arms (infantry, armor)? Indeed, do men get this choice, or does the service assign people where they're needed? And if women get the choice and men don't, how is this equal treatment under the law?

How many daughters do we want to see with prosthetic arms or legs, or eye patches? Shell-shock or PTSD does ugly things to men, how will it be for women? PTSD sufferers often end up homeless ... strung-out, broken and alone ... suppose it was your sister, daughter or granddaughter. It's not a pretty picture.