Monday, July 11, 2016

A Divided Nation

Ask your neighborhood Democrat this question: Is the fact I vote Republican prima facie evidence that I'm a racist homophobe? Dollars to donuts you won't get the unequivocal "NO" answer the question deserves.

Ask yourself this question: Is the fact that someone votes Democrat prima facie evidence that person is unhappy with the United States and capitalism? Again, a high likelihood you won't give the unequivocal "NO" answer the question deserves.

We are a divided nation and the gap is growing wider.

Various pundits see parallels between today's reality and that of 1968. I'm old enough to remember our nation was then divided between hippies and hard hats, war protestors and patriots.

The long-term results of late 60s conflict still resonate through the society. Before it, a high school diploma still meant you'd learned something, today it basically denotes attendance, if that. Before it, most people married and many remained so. Today, marriage has become a luxury good enjoyed primarily by the upper middle and upper classes.

We'd better hope we're not headed for 1968 redux. It left behind both a mess and an inability to deal with which we still struggle.