Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sharing a Work-Around

Let me share with you a trick I've recently figured out. Perhaps you've been using it for years. The problem is that certain publications, The Washington Post comes to mind, limit the number of their articles you can view per month.

What I've discovered is that many of their articles are syndicated to other papers around the country, normally with the same title. Put that title into your search engine and look for other papers running the WaPo article in syndication. Their sites are normally not embargoed.

Here is an example. RealClearPolitics linked to a WaPo Chris Cillizza article entitled "Yes, Of Course Donald Trump Can Win." I went there and found I'd exceeded my monthly limit of, I believe, five.

So I put that title into DuckDuckGo and up popped The Durango Herald, which had picked up Cillizza's piece on syndication. They allowed me to visit their site and read the article to which the Post wouldn't give me access. If I decided to reference the piece I'd reference it to the Durango paper, and indicate it originally appeared in the Post.

Happy surfing!