Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Missing the Red, White, and Blue

Lucianne.com provides a link to a quick note with photos in The Daily Caller, comparing the Republican and Democrat conventions.
PHILADELPHIA — The Daily Caller is at the Democratic National Convention Monday and it doesn’t look like there are any American flags.

The stage is bland and grey, with no red, white or blue present. A thorough look at the crowd present also turns up no American flags.

The Republican National Convention in Cleveland on the other hand was filled with Americana.
Sad, isn't it? Both major parties should be patriotic and proud of our country, whatever its faults. Patriotism is still "in" with Republicans, with Democrats not so much.

Perhaps that explains why President Obama has acted ashamed of the U.S. on his trips abroad. Clinton promises four more years of hang dog diplomacy.