Thursday, July 21, 2016

Cruz Blots His Copybook

Last night Ted Cruz stood on principle, refused to endorse while taking up valuable prime time, and was roundly booed by the delegates to the Republican Convention. There is no way he comes out of this whole.

I agree that, in light of Trump's insults to Ted's wife and father, he was absolved of his pledge to support the eventual nominee. He apparently (but wrongly) believed he was making the first speech of the 2020 campaign.

True, the liberal MSM loves Ted, temporarily, for sticking his thumb in Donald's eye. Ted is delusional if he thinks that "love" will last beyond November; from their point of view he is on the wrong side of too many issues.

If in November Trump wins, Cruz becomes an unperson in the GOP. If Trump loses, many will blame him, in part, for the loss. How much more graceful (and practical) to simply stay home and keep his options open in the event of a Trump loss.