Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Mid Week Snickers

Steven Hayward, who collects cartoons, recaptioned photos, and snarky sayings for Power Line, has a mid-week collection about the Clinton 'pardon' posted. Some favorites:

Photos of Edward Snowden and Hillary Clinton, side by side. Snowden captioned:
Publicly exposed classified information
Wanted for TREASON
Clinton captioned:
Privately exposed classified information
Wanted for PRESIDENT?
A photo of Bill Clinton speaking, while pointing a finger. His words:
I did not have inappropriate discussions about Hillary with that woman, Loretta Lynch.
A photo of a grinning Scarface Al Capone, cigar in mouth, captioned:
The Clinton "Foundation"!
I wish I'd thought of that. 
A photo of a smiling Hillary giving the Nazi salute, captioned:
Sometimes she just can't control it...
A photo of FBI Director James Comey, captioned:
She's guilty as hell
But I don't want to die
Suddenly and Mysteriously
A photo of Hillary giving two thumbs up, captioned:
#Too Big To Jail 
A photo of Hillary's face Photoshopped onto the (elegant) body of Charlise Theron playing the truly evil queen in Snow White and the Huntsman. The voice balloon says:
Yes, I stole the throne.
That's what evil queens do!
Got a problem with that? 
A cartoon American flag with the white stars in the blue field replaced with a single yellow banana.