Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Think of It As a Trial

FBI Director James Comey told us in clear, unambiguous language that Hillary Clinton is a sleaze, a liar, and careless with the security of these United States. Think of that as her indictment.

As the Democrat's nominee for president, Clinton faces a trial between now and November 8, 2016. We call that trial "a presidential campaign." Because we don't call it a trial, she will be required to testify on her own behalf, albeit not under oath.

Witness Comey has testified. GOP nominee Donald Trump will, I believe, mount a vigorous prosecution. Clinton can mount whatever defense she wishes. Come November 8, she will learn the verdict of an enormous jury of her 'peers' - the voters.

If elected, Clinton can and will treat that as a vindication, a repudiation of the charges against her. If she loses, the public has judged her unworthy, unpresidential and unrepresentative of American values. At that point, we probably have no further need to punish her, although a Trump DOJ might give it a shot.