Saturday, July 23, 2016

Timely Good News

Do you remember a story three months ago about Virginia Governor (and Democrat hack) Terry McAuliffe issuing a blanket pardon to over 200,000 convicted felons who'd completed their state prison sentences, thus enabling them to register and vote? CNN reports the Virginia Supreme Court has ruled McAuliffe is not constitutionally entitled to issue blanket pardons to entire groups.

McAuliffe assumed, and most observers agreed, the overwhelming majority of former felons will vote for a Democrat if enabled to do so. The Democratic Party is, after all, best understood as a kind of criminal conspiracy masquerading as a political party, so the fit is a natural one.

Frustrated by the court's decision, McAuliffe has indicated he will have his office get busy generating individual pardons for former felons, which he will sign one at a time. It is estimated he won't get very far through the 200,000 by election day, perhaps a few thousand. I predict he will tire of the effort and quietly let it drop by Thanksgiving.