Thursday, January 4, 2018

Review: The Last Jedi

The DrsC saw the new Star Wars film The Last Jedi this afternoon. It is visually stunning, occasionally humorous, occasionally touching, but the “plot” hardly justifies that name and it was too long.

Whoever was responsible for story continuity dropped the ball, early and often. The nine film Star Wars series has one more film to go. The Last Jedi - number eight - features some unexplained, irritatingly “mystical” connections between characters that go beyond “the force.”

I like film villains to have some panache. Jedi’s villains are typecast creeps: ugly, repellent, and unrelievedly evil. Actually, there are exactly no entirely admirable male characters in the film, and only a few admirable women.

The son of Leia and Han - Kylo Ren - is written as slightly good/mostly bad. The actor who plays him - Adam Driver - is an ugly dude who appears to have modeled his character on Alan Rickman‘s portrayal of Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films.

You’d imagine in the finale the rebels are supposed to win at long last, but so few are left alive at the end of Jedi they all fit in the Millennium Falcon. Getting from a feisty handful to a galaxy-conquering horde seems a lot to ask of one film, meaning #9’s plot is likely to be unbelievable too.