Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Zogby: Trump Brought “His A Game”

Democratic pollster John Zogby evaluates the SOTU at his eponymous website John Zogby Strategies, hat tip to Washington Examiner for the link.
We have to admit that the President had his A-game tonight when he delivered his first State of the Union message. Mr. Trump stuck close to his teleprompter and helped redefine his Presidency.

Gone was the edgy warrior, the hyper sensitive tweeter, the reality show bravado. Instead, we saw a mature man who seems to have grown into his job and one who elucidated his principles and his policies about as well as he has ever done. In the process, he not only moved well into the second year of his term but provided a strong and compelling message for Republican candidates in the 2018 elections.

His first State of the Union is a reminder of why he often wins his battles. Beware of efforts to sell him short. He hit a solid triple tonight. If he can sustain this message and tone, he will cross home plate standing up.
By which baseball metaphor Zogby means Trump can win reelection in 2020. Let’s be fair and note that Zogby thinks it likely Trump will repeatedly shoot himself in the foot between now and then. Combining the two metaphors - Zogby’s and mine - Trump may cross home plate standing, but also limping from self-inflicted wounds.