Saturday, January 6, 2018

Saturday Snark

When Saturday rolls around, Steven Hayward of Power Line posts his weekly collection of political cartoons, captioned photos, posters, and general snark. Some favorites described:

A map of the U.S. overlaid with the low temperatures much of the country has been suffering recently, captioned:
Trump has been in office one year
& has already fixed global warming
Cartoon of a Millennial couple looking at a newspaper headline about Trump saying his nuclear “button” is much bigger. The wife speaks:
On the bright side,
he seems happiest
when he’s pushing
other people’s buttons...
Photo of Kim Jong-un writing with a pen, captioned:
Note to Self:
“Buy bigger button”
Two photos side-by-side, uncaptioned. On the left, Mike Myers’ iconic portrayal of Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers films. On the right a dead ringer, Michael Wolff, author of the new White House gossip book.

Cartoon of President Trump carrying a grinning bust of Barack Obama labeled “Legacy” to the garbage cans.

Cartoon labeled “A Real Robin Hood Story” showing President Trump wearing a Robin Hood hat snatching a bag of tax money from Schumer and Pelosi and handing it to a family labeled “Middle class taxpayers.” Notice how much Branco’s cartoon Trump looks like Christopher Walken.

A poster with the following slogan:
If Trump’s tax cuts are approved,
you can check the “not my President” 
box on your tax return to continue 
paying the higher Obama rates.
Two photos, the top one shows the U.N. General Assembly and is labeled:
The whole world lined up against her...
The second photo shows an angry Nikki Haley - cold as ice - with her hand raised, labeled:
Nevertheless, she persisted.
Photo of a supercilious-looking young woman, captioned:
People worry about what kind of planet
we are leaving for our kids.
Might want to worry what kind of kids 
we are leaving for our planet.