Friday, January 5, 2018

Weaponizing the FBI

If you want a long description of Obama & Co.’s weaponizaton of the FBI in the run-up to the 2016 election, I’ve found the article that lays it all out in tedious detail, written by a long-time conservative blogger Mark Bradman (nom de plume “sundance”) who posts at Conservative Treehouse. Hat tip to for the link.

A fascinating side note, he reports it appears Admiral Mike Rogers who heads the National Security Agency broke ranks with the Obama clique and told candidate Trump the President’s people were eavesdropping on his campaign, on behalf of Clinton.

When the CIA and FBI Directors found out what Rogers had done they recommended he be fired by Obama. It appears Obama didn’t take their advice because of a fear that Rogers would then go public before the election with the info that the FBI had been attempting to influence the election outcome.

It begins to look like several felonious high officials in the Obama administration deserve a stretch in the Federal pen at Lompoc. It is too much to hope for that Barack would keep them company.