Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A Whimsical Thought

Cultural appropriation is a big thing on the left, not so much over here on the right where I hang my hat. Something I saw at Instapundit about Asian women bleaching their dark hair blond got me started thinking about cultural appropriation.

What about African-American women straightening their hair, as for example Michelle Obama does. Isn't that cultural appropriation, taking something from others to which one has no historic claim?

It doesn't offend me, I enjoy appropriating fun aspects of other cultures. I'm an Anglo who likes Italian, Chinese, and Mexican food, and who loves Carnival in Rio, Latin music and cruising on the Rhine.

But on the left, they worry about cultural appropriation, thinking it's a bad thing. And the left is where 9 out of 10 African-Americans vote.

Just saying....