Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Effect of Race on the Race

English is a funny language; I'll bet people trying to learn it are driven wild by the use of exactly the same four letters in the same sequence meaning two entirely different, if not opposed, things. This post isn't about language, but after writing that headline, I had to do a brief sidebar about it.

The post is to draw your attention to a thoughtful article by Bill Whitaker of CBS News. He does a factual article about the possible impact of race on the presidential election. That is, about the impact of the literally African-American ancestry of Barack Obama in a contest that heretofore has always been between between two white males, at least at the major party level. The issue of whether the "Bradley effect" is still operational twenty years later is discussed. The article is sort of "inside baseball," of greatest interest to those of us who follow politics as a spectator sport.