Friday, October 17, 2008

Noonan's Moonin'

Peggy Noonan, who has written some good columns for The Wall Street Journal, as well as a lot of gushy tripe for the same source, has really stepped in the doggy poo this time. She writes a column entitled "Palin Failin'" and reveals, quite unintentionally I'm sure, that she is an awful elitist, the worst kind of country club Republican.

Peggy lives in New York City and pretty clearly doesn't understand [or feel comfortable with] those of us who live "out in the hinterlands." Sarah Palin is the kind of spunky small town gal we see a lot of in Wyoming, or for that matter in rural California. Wyoming was the first state to give women the vote, and Jackson was the first town in the nation to have an all-female town council.

Noonan complains that we don't know what Palin stands for. Get real, Noonan. Vice presidential candidates stand for what the presidential candidate stands for. To the extent there is variance, and there has been some between McCain and Palin, the veep candidate ends up having to explain how they will stifle their differences and toe the party line.

Noonan's real problem with Palin is stylistic. Palin wouldn't fit in to New York salon society. Most Americans wouldn't fit either, and have no interest in so doing.

In truth, most Americans have met few New Yorkers they've liked at all. 'Noo Yawkers' are normally abrasive and obnoxious. In a long life I have known exactly two New York natives who overcame their upbringing, lost the chip on the shoulder, and evolved into real, likable human beings. Sad....