Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Poor Taste

Apparently both Dave Letterman and Leon Panetta have apologized, Letterman to Sarah Palin and her 14 year old daughter, and Panetta to Dick Cheney. John Hinderaker at PowerLineBlog.com has the story. I believe his take on why these two doofuses said these stupid things, for which they had to publicly eat crow, is about right. He concludes:
There is virtually nothing that can be said about Republicans, in their world, that will raise a question or objection. (snip) Hence the gaffes that occur when liberals say publicly the sorts of things they are accustomed to saying among friends.
Nicely said. His point: today's liberals tell other liberals the sort of ugly jokes about Republicans that our grandparents used to tell each other about the Polish or the Italians or African Americans or, if Canadian, the Newfies. A sad business.