Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rasmussen: Obama Polls Negative

Rasmussen Reports runs a daily Presidential Tracking Poll which looks at the percentage of voters who Strongly Approve of the president's performance minus the percentage who Strongly Disapprove. Today, for the first time, this Presidential Approval Index has gone negative: 32% strongly approve and 34% strongly disapprove, leaving the Index at a -2. Go here to look at the graph of the trend lines.

The daily fluctuations are less critical than the directionality of the the two lines. Clearly the White House has to be concerned about both the drop in popularity and the increase in strong unpopularity. If they can't turn the trends around, it will be hard for this personally popular president to get his ideas translated into policy action.

Conservatives could be happy about this turn of events. Happy, except that it leaves the levers of policy in the hands of those sad losers: Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Ergo, not so happy.