Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Political Analysis

See Sean Trende's excellent analysis of the electoral possibilities for 2010, done for RealClearPolitics. He lays out scenarios depending on whether this election will be anti-incumbent, anti-liberal, or anti-Democrat. It will undoubtedly be one of the three, with the first being least damaging to the Democrats, and the last being most damaging. He concludes:
If 2010 is an anti-Democrat year, rather than simply an anti-liberal year, we could see absolutely catastrophic results for the Democrats in the 73 Republican-leaning districts. If we take the fifty percent casualty rate that the Republicans suffered in 2006, add in the twelve retiring Congressmen, and again assume a dozen Democratic Congressmen in marginally Democratic districts lose, then the Democrats are on pace to lose over sixty seats.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have an ex-Speaker Pelosi?