Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another View of McChrystal

Andy McCarthy has a quite different view of the recently-fired General McChrystal. Go here to see it in the website of National Review Online. McCarthy quotes Marc Ambinder in The Atlantic who says of McChrystal:
The story about him voting for Obama is not contrived. He is a political liberal. He is a social liberal. He banned Fox News from the television sets in his headquarters.
This leads McCarthy to conclude:
Gen. McChrystal, for all his undeniable valor, is a progressive big-thinker who has been conducting a sociology experiment in Islamic nation-building. It's a flawed experiment that assumes Afghan Muslims will side with us — i.e., the Westerners their clerical authorities tell them are infidel invaders and occupiers — against their fellow Afghan Muslims.
That does sound pretty daft, doesn't it? Maybe comparing McChrystal to Patton wasn't a good match. I can't see George P. doing nation-building.