Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bush Better Than Obama

See this Public Policy Polling poll of voters in Louisiana a majority of whom believe that George W. Bush did better with Katrina than Obama has done with the oil spill. Specifically, they found:
50% of voters in the state, even including 31% of Democrats, give Bush higher marks on that question compared to 35% who pick Obama. Overall only 32% of Louisianans approve of how Obama has handled the spill (compared) to 62% who disapprove.
So, does anyone look good in the oil spill situation? Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal does.
63% of voters approve of the job he's doing, the best PPP has found for any Senator or Governor so far in 2010. There's an even higher level of support, at 65%, for how he's handled the aftermath of the spill.